Sunday, February 26, 2012

Don't take God for Granted

This weekend we had revival services at our church. On Saturday the minister was preaching and he said “Some of you are going through a desert place and you feel like you are all alone and wonder where God is”.  I felt God speak to me and say “That’s you”.  I said back to Him, “No, that’s not me. I go to all of the services, I work in the church, I even share the word sometimes, I raise my hands during the worship, and I pray with people in the alter. So no, that it is not me that preacher is talking about”.  I went through my whole list of all the things I do, and then I no sooner finished when the preacher said, “you may be coming to church and raising your hands and praying in the alter, but you are just going through the motions.”  And I knew in that moment that yes, it was me.
                Sometimes we go through our spiritual life and we think we are doing ok but we are just going through the motions. We have become so good at having church that we have stopped expecting God to do anything. I was amazed that I had gotten into this place of complacency and didn’t even realize it.  I am so glad that God sees us where we are and even if we can’t see it, He knows what we need and when we need it.
My lesson for this week: Do not take God for granted. Expect the unexpected. Look for Him to show up in your life.  Check yourself and see if you are truly where He wants you to be or are you just going the motions.  I am so glad He showed up this weekend and I feel rejuvenated and refreshed in Him.
Have a blessed week.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Big Umbrella

When I first started my job about 3 1/2 years ago, I had to drive to Lima to the office everyday. One day it was raining so I was running a little later than usual and got stuck behind a school bus.  I waited while the bus driver made several stops. At one stop a man dressed in a suit came out with 2 children , probably around 7 and 8 and he had a big umbrella. He held it over the kids while he walked to them to the bus and made sure they got on ok and then walked back to his house. As I watched this scene unfold , I very distinctly heard the Spirit of God speak to me and say, " That is what I do for you. When you go through the storm, I can't promise you won't get wet but I will there to protect you ." I remember driving the rest of the way with tears streaming, thanking Him for showing me such an awesome revelation. We can't stop the storms from coming, and we can't run and hide from them, but God has a big Umbrella that He holds over us to protect us. We may get a little wet, and we may feel the wind blow but He is always there protecting us until we get safely through. I still remember that day everytime I drive by that house.

Lesson Learned: Trust in Him , He walks us through the storms and we are never alone.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sticks and Stones

Anyone ever “put your foot in your mouth”? I seem to be the queen of this. I can’t tell you how many times I have to apologize (grudgingly) for saying something that hurt someone and I didn’t even know that I did it. 

The Bible says the tongue is sharper than a two-edged sword and boy is that true.

Proverbs 21:23 says: Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble.

Today I am reminded as I witnessed someone very close to me brought down by the careless words of another. Do we sometimes need to be told things that may hurt? Yes. But it should be done in love to help that person who needs the guidance. Not in a hurtful way that tears someone down. But we are all human and sometimes we forget that the words we say can’t be taken back no matter how many times we say “I’m sorry”. Sometimes those words need to be said, but we should always be careful with the way we approach others. Some people put up a good front so that others may never know the damage of their words. But inside they are broken and hurt.

Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

            I am probably guiltier that anyone I know, but I am learning. Yes even at 49 years old I am still learning. So, today the lesson is short and sweet. Think before we speak, and if something has to be said, say it in love being careful of the fragile hearts and feelings of others.

Have a good week!