Saturday, March 24, 2012

Who is the Judge

Sometimes we are forgetting that we are not the judge and jury of others. We are all human and make mistakes. But (especially Christians) there are times when we look at others and see their many faults, shortcomings and we pass judgment on them based on the many mistakes they make.  Out of our mouths we speak words of forgiveness but in our minds we are thinking “doesn’t matter they will just mess up again”, and in our hearts we are just waiting for that next mistake to come.  Is that truly how Christ wants us to be with each other? I don’t think so. When we accept Him as our Savior, He forgives and forgets. As far as the east is from the west,;that is how far our sins are from us. When He sees us, He sees His blood. So does Satan. Think about it, if we are covered by the blood then even when Satan looks at us to try to destroy us, he can’t, because he can’t cross the blood line. So he plays in our minds and tries to trick us into destroying ourselves.  Satan is the accuser of the brethren. So he gets us to look at the faults of others and before we know we are caught up in that judging and finding our brothers and sisters lacking. Then we start accusing and destroying each other.  This is his plan to stop Christians from being witnesses and saving the lost. He can’t get us so he gets us to attack and destroy each other. We are too busy trying to pluck the splinter out of our brother’s eye that we can’t see the beam in our own. If we as Christians could really grasp this truth, then we would be able to reach those who are lost and need Jesus. We could show the true love of Christ and this is what will draw people to Him.

This week’s lesson learned: I need to look in the mirror at my own faults and leave others alone. If my brother is overtaken by a fault (sin) I will lift them up in prayer and help them not judge and destroy them. I will look for Satan’s plan to destroy and I will not allow my mind to become his playground. I will stay focused on Christ and showing His love to others.
I am so glad that He looked beyond my faults and saw my needs.

God Bless and have a great week.

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